Kitchen Hacks
Make Powdered Sugar
If you find that you're out of powdered sugar when you really need it, pulverize granulated sugar in a spice grinder to make your own.
Make Wine Cubes
Have a bottle of wine that you just can't finish up, and don't want to waste the little bit left over? Pour the wine into ice-cube trays, and freeze. Pull out a few cubes for a pan sauce that needs oomph, or toss some into a wine spritzer or pitcher of sangria.
Soften and Sweeten Bananas Fast
Ready to make banana bread, but your fruit isn't ripe enough? Place the bananas, in their peels, on a parchment-lined pan or plate, and toss in the oven as it preheats or in the microwave for a few minutes to speed-ripen them. When skins are blackened, bananas are ready.
Try a Better Buttermilk Sub
You've probably seen the tip about adding vinegar or lemon juice to milk to make your own buttermilk—but that mixture never gets quite thick and creamy enough to really suffice. Instead, use thinned-out plain Greek yogurt: Whisk together ¾ cup yogurt and ¼ cup water or skim milk.
Speed Up Meat Loaf
When you've got a hankering for a hunka meat but don't want to wait an hour or more for meat loaf to cook, divide and conquer: Divvy the meat into individual portions in a muffin tin, and bake at 450° for 15 minutes.
Improvise a Brush
When you can't find your pastry or basting brush—or don't have one—make a quick, disposable stand-in: Fold a piece of parchment paper over and over to make a small rectangle. Cut fringe with kitchen scissors, and marvel at your makeshift brush.
Removing the Flesh of a Coconut
I know how difficult it is removing the flesh(the white part,the edible part) of a coconut. Using knife and all sorts of sharp object only to cut yourself in the process. Did you know th st instead of going through this struggle, just turn on your gas, place the coconut on fire..wait for some minute, dip your knife by one edge and voila!!! the flesh gets separated from the brown shell.
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