Texas Restaurant installs Caitlyn Jenner's before and after transition photos to differentiate 'Male and Female toilet

A Collin County restaurant in Texas is facing criticism over bathroom doors that have been deemed transphobic. The offensive doors at Dodie's Place Cajun Bar & Grill in Allen were installed in mid-August, according to the restaurant's Facebook page.
The women's restroom door shows an image of Caitlyn Jenner publicly debuting as a transgender woman from the cover of Vanity Fair, while the men's room door is a photo of Jenner competing at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal as a man.
Soon after The Daily Dot published an article describing the images "incredibly insensitive," some people took to Facebook and Twitter to say that the doors were just a joke and that people shouldn't be offended.

While others including Jess Herbst, a transgender woman, who is the mayor of New Hope said the doors were distasteful towards transgender people.
In a statement Thursday, the restaurant called the displays weren't intended to offend anyone and were "a lighthearted gesture to push back against the political correctness that seems to have a stranglehold on this country right now."


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