STEP BY STEP WAY OF SPATCHCOCKING(opening and removing the backbone and flattening of a turkey).

So I got a call like some minutes ago on the step by step way of Spatchcocking(opening and removing the backbone and flattening of a turkey). So here you go darling.

You'll Need...
To begin with, you'll need a turkey and some poultry shears. Plan on about a pound of carcass-weight raw turkey per guest. For particularly large groups, it's better to use two small birds (they can be roasted in the same oven on staggered racks using this technique!) than one large bird.

Snip snip
Pat the turkey dry with paper towels, then place it breast-side-down on the cutting board. Holding it firmly with one hand, make a cut along one side of the backbone, starting down near where the thighs meat the tail.

Open Her Up
Continue cutting, working your way around the thigh joint until you've snipped through every rib bone and completely split the turkey up to the neck. Use your hands the spread the turkey open slightly.

Make an identical cut along the other side of the backbone. This cut is a little trickier, so make sure not to get your fingers in the way of the blade. Using a clean dish towel or rag to hold on to the bird will make it easier to keep control.
Trim excess fat
There may or may not be a large excess hood of fat up near the neck. If it's there, remove it. If you wish to make carving even easier, the wish bone can also be removed by making a thin incision with the tip of a paring knife or boning knife along both sides of it, and pulling it out with your fingers.

Press Down, HARD
Turn the turkey over onto what once was its back, splaying its legs out in a manner that can only be described as inappropriate. Press down hard on the ridge of the breast bone. You should hear a couple of cracks, and the turkey should now rest flatter. Flatter is better for even cooking and crisper skin.

Tuck the Wing Tips
Tuck the wing tips behind the breast. This step is not strictly necessary, but it'll prevent your turkey from looking like it wants to give you a high five as it roasts.

Ready to Roast




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